Beware of Snakes


Our neighborhood is surrounded by ponds and preserves, and while we all enjoy the beauty of the nature, let’s not forget that these habitats are home to an amazing array of wildlife.

Florida has a rich diversity of snakes, and encounters with these reptiles in residential areas are likely to occur. Fortunately, interactions between people and venomous snakes are much less common than those involving non-venomous species. Of the approximately 50 species found in Florida, only 6 species are venomous.

Learning how to identify snakes that are commonly encountered in residential settings, how to prevent negative encounters from occurring in the first place, and how to respond in the unlikely event that someone is bitten by a snake is a key to coexisting safely with them.

If you find a snake and do not know whether it is non-venomous or venomous, the safest thing to do is leave it alone. The only acceptable treatment for venomous snakebite involves the use of antivenin. If you or someone else is bitten by a venomous snake, seek immediate attention at the nearest hospital or medical facility.

Please take a moment to review the following information for further details.